> Now, suppose I have a fossil buffer that I constantly snap to venti.
> That will build quite a lengthy chain of VtRoots. Then my fossil
> buffer gets totally corrupted. I no longer know what was the 
> score of the most recent snapshot. And I don't think I know of any
> way to find that out.

there is a command fossil/last which prints the last snapped root score.
I run this from cron nightly and send the resulting score to a remote machine.

If all else fails there is a script  in /sys/src/cmd/venti/words/dumpvacroots
which interogates the http server built into venti and prints all the recent
root scores.

I have had to use this in the past when I had a dead disk and was less
carefull with my scores - all was fine, but I learnt my lesson.


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