> ... it'd be nice if there was some way for a factotum
> protocol to generate a key that stayed in long term storage (i.e. in secstore)
> but currently, i don't think there's a way to do it, other
> than manually.

I was needing this recently - I have to change my windows filserver password
every couple of months. It would be nice if I could automate this process
having a program generate me a random password, passit to the server, and 
it into secstore.

alternatively I suspose I should just try and convince the IT dep to stop my
password from expiring.

Even more off topic - why do people think regular password expiry improves
system security (as opposed to enforcing a password complexity constraint)?
I know we have many passwords of the form <dictionary word><integer> where the
integer increments every few months...


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