Hello Hugo,

2009/2/23 hugo rivera <uai...@gmail.com>:
> Well,
> I made an obvious mistake and sent the last email to the wrong address.
> I apologize for that.
Some mistakes can be usefull, at least for other people. ;-)
In my case I welcome your mistake, because I didn't know that a german
document covering Plan 9 exists. Plan 9 is fascinating, but
understanding the documents can be quite difficult. At least it was
for me as a non native speaker. This is why I keep on lurking around
on this list, gathering information mostly, instead of working with
Plan 9.
This document might be old and even outdated to some degree, but I
guess it's still worth reading.
It would be great to have the source of the book, maybe it would be
worth it to create a community based 2nd release. But I guess with all
the copyright issues involved this will be next to impossible.

Christian Walther

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