On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:10:47 MDT andrey mirtchovski <mirtchov...@gmail.com>  
> > Unfortunately we don't have exact analogs in s/w.  We can
> > only simplicate; we can't add lightness!
> but somehow we can add "weight". can't we? bash is perceivably
> "heavier" than rc, xml perceivably "heavier" than 9p... statlite()
> perceivably "heavier" than stat() :)

Yes of course.  But that is because they use a more
complicated design that results in use of more code.

What I meant is in a physical assembly you can carefully
hollow out a solid part or use a lighter material to get a
lighter part without changing its structural properties
(much) and no other parts or couplings have to be changed.

In a program one can use hand code asembly or inline code
instead of calling a function, or call a function instead of
RPC to a separate process and so on but in each case there is
a tighter coupling that reduces flexibility.

Design done by wizards have simpler and fewer parts -- they
are simply much better at design. They "simplicate".

But granted, the analogy is rather weak :-)

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