> the original condor just forwarded system calls back to the node it
> was started from. Thus all system calls were done in the context of
> the originating node and user.

Not much good if you're migrating because the node's gone down.  What
happens then?  Sorry to ask, RTFM seems a bit beyond my ken, right

Also, that gives you a single level of checkpoint, in fact, I'd call
that strictly migration, C/R should allow a history of checkpoints,
each of which can be restarted.  Might not be possible, of course,
unless one defines the underlying platform with new properties
specially designed for C/R (and migration).  Hence my insistence that
Plan 9 is a better platform than other OSes in common use.  The
hardware may need to be adjusted too, but that's where Inferno EMU
will come to the rescue :-)


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