On that note, my personal experience has found it to be a lot easier
to find and correct scope issues in Python than it has to find missing
braces or semicolons in other languages, sometimes even with matching
enabled. This usually is the case for awful spaghetti-ish code.

I find Python's whitespace rules annoying, but I can live with them.

Where the whitespace flow control always screws me is when I'm working on a particular chunk of code using different editors that have different semantics for interpreting <HT>. You have to remember if the editor of the moment interprets <HT> as:

1) HT passed through, displays to next col%8
2) HT passed through, displays to next col%user_defined_tabstop setting
3) As for (1) and (2), but <HT> also expanded to corresponding n*<SP>
   to match display interpretation.

As soon as you mix 8 and non-8 tabstop rails, any remnants of sanity exit stage left. Because of this I far-too-often find myself running acme-edited code through [un]expand to ensure sane tab behaviour. (Not acme's falut per se -- it's just the editor I most commonly use that does non-8 tabstops by default.)


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