On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:54 PM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> to be precise, this is not 950 graphics:
> 0.2.0:  vid  03.00.00 8086/2772  10 0:fe980000 524288 1:0000cc01 16 
> 2:e0000008 268435456 3:fe940000 262144
>        Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Device

Hmm, perhaps I am confused (it wouldn't be the first time).  My
understanding was that the 82945G implements the GMA950 chipset.  Come
to think of it, I'm not entirely sure why I thought that?

> the intel atom machine i've been working with keeps
> doing things i'm very happy with!  i got a chance to check
> out the vesa graphics and they seem to be very well.
> 1600x1200x16 works just fine.  the vga timings are perfect.
> and even pictures don't look too bad.  since i'm using pat
> rather than mtrr, adding the newly-added vesa->flush()
> fixed the slight niggle i was having with a jumpy pointer.

I really wish I could do 1680x1024xwhatever.

> now if i could just get someone to build the same thing with
> intel 82574 nics....

That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask you a question.  I'll send
it off-list.

        - Dan C.

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