On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:55 AM, John Floren<slawmas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I seem to remember that you were offered the opportunity to take over
> sources, since you can obviously run it much better.

What? When? Where?

> What happened to that?

Maybe you can tell me, as you seem to know much better than me what
has been offered (and by who?!?!).

> I guess it's easier to bitch and be the rebel, rather than
> becoming "the man" and actually being responsible for the proper
> maintenance of the system.

I take responsibility for the systems I have control over, which so
far nobody has had any complaints about (if somebody has any
complaints or suggestions, I would *love* to hear them and will do my
very best to address them), and I have put a considerable amount of
effort on, specially given that nobody has ever paid me anything to
work on Plan 9 or anything related to it, and I don't go around
screaming about how grateful and lucky the universe is that I'm
capable of running a damned stupid web server.

I very doubt I'm the right person to take care of plan9.bell-labs.com,
and doubt much more whatever whoever controls it would want me to take
it over, but if your claims by some cosmic miracle happen to be true,
I'd be happy to help out in any way I can.

Maybe you can tell us what *you* have done to help Plan 9? Or is your
greatest contribution to act all obnoxious and condescending towards
people that despite their limited and flawed abilities have tried very
hard to do their best to make Plan 9 and related technologies
successful and keep them from dying in total irrelevancy? One of my
many flaws is that my memory is very bad, so maybe I'm forgetting what
you have done...


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