> I can have that '|fmt -w 72' anywhere in any window, but other than
> where my text is. I ensure I have 'Edit' in the tag line of the text
> window. I highlight the text I want be formatted. I go to the window
> with the command, |fmt -w 72. I highlight that. I go back to the Edit
> in the text's window. I 2-1 chord on that Edit. And it does do, what
> you want. Or not? Where is the trouble?

And so it does.  I assumed I could only use Edit in conjunction with
sam commands, but apparently Edit (or at least its author) is smarter
than that.

I assume Run works similarly? That is, I can put Run in a directory's
tag, highlight a filename in that directory, then highlight a command
and apply it to Run with 2-1 to run the command on the file?

> Ruda

Thanks, I'm a happier acme user now.

Jason Catena

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