Been reading the thread with interest, and I finally have a moment to comment.

I was thinking about this several years ago when I had a lot of spare
time on my hands and wanted to rethink and update the audio interface,
and I think a lot of what you are suggesting sounds similar to the
conclusions I had come to during the design phase. Comments inline.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:00, Devon H. O'Dell<> wrote:
> 2009/8/12 Tim Newsham <>:
>>>>> - What software exists for each of these formats?
>>> If you are asking about non Plan9 software I'd start with
>>> ffmpeg.
>>>>> - Which format is the most "popular"?
>>> I don't think I understand the question.
>> Sorry, let me rephrase:
>>  - Of the different audio driver interface designs
>>    (audio(3), usb(4) and inferno usb(3)) which software
>>    (p9 and limbo) uses each?
>>  - Which of these interfaces is used the most?
> I don't know which is used the most, but I don't think the Plan 9 ones
> of them make particularly good sense to support multiple input formats
> to multiple output formats. sox was mentioned here recently, and is a
> great utility for doing the conversion. If we want a generic, reusable
> audio layer, to *me* the Inferno one is best with:
> audio
> audioctl

I think this makes the most sense for the device driver interface. It's simple.

> It doesn't make sense to export files for volumes, codes, channels,
> and other settings to me. This is because (at least with HDA cards)
> you would end up with 5 bajillion files for controlling volume on each
> individual channel. You'd end up with another file for reading/writing
> codec settings. You'd end up with a file saying whether you preferred
> digital output or analog output.
> OSS relies heavily on ioctls for setting these things, but for good
> reason. In our case, a standardized set of strings for the ctl file
> seems best to me. If I want to change master volume, echo master
> 255.255 > /dev/audioctl. If I want to set digital out, echo output
> channel digital > /dev/audioctl. etc. A more spread out filesystem
> would make the ctl handler smaller, but would not reduce the amount of
> code needed to support mixers / codecs / channels / whatnot (In fact,
> you'd just have more code because you'd have to have functions for
> reading/writing those files). Also, then you just need to come up with
> strings -- you're just bit frobbing these things, and more complicated
> filesystem hierarchy doesn't help explain it any better. echo 255 >
> /dev/audio/mixer/channel/master/right; echo 255 >
> /dev/audio/mixer/channel/master/left; just seems obtuse, and, as I
> said, it's just adding more redundant code anyway.

I agree with this, too. Keep the interface simple and make the
audioctl file smart based on the type of audio card you have. A
complex file hierarchy just doesn't feel right to me. The simplest
interface you can get away with is generally the most powerful.

> To then play sound, you would probably have a sox-like converter
> sitting on top of that (maybe even on top of /dev/audio?) that takes
> input of a certain format and does either minimal conversion (i.e. a
> card that supports XA ADPCM taking input from a playstation 2 sound
> file not having any conversion at all, WAV going to the proper
> byte-order PCM with the header stripped off, etc), or highest
> resolution audio available (e.g. 5.1 flac getting converted to
> whatever codec supports 5.1 audio).

I haven't read up on sox, but I think the converter should be a file
server sitting on top of /dev/audio.

Christopher Nielsen
"They who can give up essential liberty for temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

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