i missed this the first time

On Fri Oct 16 17:19:36 EDT 2009, jason.cat...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Instantaneous building of a complex project from source.
> > (I'm defining instantaneous as less than 1 second for this.)
> Depends on how complex.

good story.  it's hard to know when to rewrite.

gcc itself has several files that take ~20s to compile on my
machine.  what is the plan for getting them to compile in < 1s?

also, suppose you have n source files.  and suppose you also
just happen to have n+1 processors.  what's the plan for coordinating
them in sub O(n) time?  what's the plan for a fs to keep up?
heck, linux boot time is bottlenecked not by processor speed
but by lowly random disk i/o.

- erik

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