> while at it, run contrib/gui. when a package is duplicated, it should
> be clear from the package list on the left.

Suppression of duplication is incidental.  What I believe is missing
from sources is a simple mechanism to see if something I'm already
somewhat familiar with has been ported successfully.  If not, then it
would be useful if there was a simple mechanism to add a successful
port to the global availability, with some moderation to discourage
malicious additions.  As for the moderation itself, the simplest form
I can think of is simply that a score be kept of successful use, reset
to zero when a new version is released.  Other options may prove more

I suspect that all the resistance I encounter is more knee-jerk
reaction to a request for a little bit of additional discipline than
real objection to the concept.  And the usual 9fans culture of wanting
code rather than discussion.  Unfortunately, this is one piece of code
that ought to be planned rather than hacked together: it's hard to
reverse the implementation if it turns out badly.


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