While we're talking about ndb ...  what's the status of the ipv6= tag?
Last week I was setting up IPv6 on a network and was adding
ipv6=2001:...  entries in ndb as per the manpages.  I lost the better
part of a day trying to figure out why the AAAA records weren't being
propagated to the DNS slaves.  I finally figured out that ip= now
handles both v4 and v6 syntax, but after reading through the ndb/dns
sources it's not clear to me if ipv6= is still being used by anything.

Is ipv6= truly dead?  If it is I will eradicate it from the code
and manpages and send in a patch.  If it isn't, the manpages still
need an update to make clear what it is -- and isn't -- for.


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