On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Karljurgen Feuerherm <kfeuerh...@wlu.ca> wrote:
> It occurred to me that a profitable thing to do here would be to mention some 
> things that would be nice to see in a new improved TeX... I believe 
> bidirectional was mentioned already.
> The other thing that is essential for folk like me is complete Unicode 
> compatibility [Yes, I know. UTC has committed many sins :]

There are a few projects (in the TeX world) for that, primarily XeTeX
and Omega. Omega is not much in use anymore, but its ideas live on in

The lack of C++ is going to hinder efforts to port these projects to
Plan 9 as-is; and these are significant efforts, not likely to be
duplicated by 9fans.  (Perhaps the C++ library for PDF handling can be
rewritten in C, and then XeTeX & LuaTeX can be ported.  But don't
expect the projects to use the rewrite in favor of the original

—Joel Salomon

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