>there is a pull script in glenda's bin.  use that.
>- erik

I was giving that a shot, but get a few errors.  Looks like it's not pulling 
new files:

! sys/src/cmd/ratrace.c: not replicated; will not update
! sys/src/9/kw/devtwsi.c: not replicated; will not update
! sys/src/9/omap/screen.c: not replicated; will not update
! sys/src/9/omap/screen.h: not replicated; will not update
! sys/src/9/omap/screen.h: not replicated; will not update
! sys/src/9/omap/devuart.c: not replicated; will not update
! sys/src/9/omap/screen.c: not replicated; will not update

Also, I get a bunch of permissions errors, such as the following:

error: copying /n/boot/386/9load: '/tmp/replica00098100' permission denied
error: copying /n/boot/386/9loadask: '/tmp/replica00098100' permission denied
error: copying /n/boot/386/9loaddebug: '/tmp/replica00098100' permission denied

This is on a combined CPU/auth server, and was run as the hostowner (bootes).
Are the permissions wrong out-of-the-box?  Could this be because some 
are owned by sys while others by bootes?  bootes is a member of the sys group, 
as we discussed previously, that won't be honored in the current implementation.
So is the proper thing to do to convert a new install to a cpu/file server 
to change ownership of all files to bootes?




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