On Thu, 13 Jan 2011, erik quanstrom wrote:

> > When I start the install process from the Live CD, I'll probably be
> > asked to choose a partition where I want Plan9 to live, right?
> >
> > I'll choose one; it'll warn me that the partition is already in use,
> > do I want to overwrite it? I'll reply, yes, and BOOM the partition is
> > committed to Plan9. The rest of my partitions are left alone! - right?
> > Much obliged.
> nice in theory.  in practice, make backups.

I was waiting for that one to pop up. :)

If it's _that_ unpredictable, I think that I'll install it on a spare
box. FWIW, 8 mos ago, I installed XP on Part1; Linux on 2 (with the
swap on an extended partition); PcBSD on 3; and Native Oberon on 4.

used Gnome `gparted' to resize and move partitions, with XP still in

Zero problems! No OS install tried to mess with another partition. So,
are you being overly cautious here, or is there a real danger that
Plan9 has a run-away?


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