> > There's a reason it does not use that stuff, and it may not be what
> > you think.
> OK, come on already, quit teasing me!  :) What's the secret reason?

when ron says this it's almost always a formula that means that it was
not done out of ignorance, stogginess, etc. as oo proponents tend to
assume.  odd but true fact: not everyone agrees that oo trappings are
uniformly a good idea.  anyway, oo was know about, just not used.

> Yes, but C macros can be used to approximate higher-level language
> constructs such as objects, iterators (Java style or Ruby style, though
> I'm focusing only on the latter), throw/catch clauses, and so on.

s.r.bourne would agree!  (c'mon smile.)

i'm not convinced that throw/catch is a good idea to emulate.
it's very hard to get right.  goto is a like a pet bunny; throw is like
a pet bunny on the loose.  with t-t-teeth.

i think you'll have more success with plan 9 if you don't try to pound
it into a ruby-sized hole.

- erik

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