On Thu, 26 May 2011 14:58:11 -0400, erik quanstrom wrote:
The system still crashes with very large numbers of procs (I think it
 is overrunning the static definition of libvx32/proc.c vxproc
 *procs[VXPROCSMAX]), but for now spawning 64 tasks is ok for
development, but all the tests are shooting for 512. It would be nice
 to get all the systems running consistently.  Any suggestions are
 greatly appreciated.


main.c:318:     conf.nproc = 100 + ((conf.npage*BY2PG)/MB)*5;
main.c:319:     if(conf.nproc > 2000)
main.c:320:             conf.nproc = 2000;

The problem here is that I had to override this test to pass in a limit. On plan9 (running in kvm) it took over 3000 procs to run the 512 tasks, and I set the memsize to 2047 (it crashed with 2048).

The behavior is interesting. It is moroting along and either aborts with a "panic: sigsegv on cpu5", a "panic: mmap address space 0", or it goes off into never never land (if I look at the CPU usage at this time it is essentially 0 where throwing 64 tasks at it causes one of the cores to go full tilt).

i'd suspect that the real problem is you're not giving 9vx enough
kernel memory.  try setting kernelpercent to something largeish.

I've played around with setting it from 70 to 100.

but of course, i'm just guessing.  it would be helpful to have some
debugging output.

I'll see what I can get you after I put out the immediate fires. Thanks for the suggestions.

  EBo --

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