On Thursday 15 of September 2011 00:54:11 John Floren wrote:
> (...)
>  I think you have seriously misapprehended many things about Plan 9.
> We don't have X. We are not Linux compatible, although there's a
> rather decent Linux emulator. There is no GTK, no Qt, no Firefox, no
> modern C++ compiler.
> I think it's time for people to stop telling the "Plan 9 community"
> what its goals should be, when these people haven't even booted Plan
> 9.

I'm one of the `never even booted Plan 9' folks, and I agree with John 100%.

Let Plan 9 do things the Plan 9 way, for better or worse. And let the real 
needs influence what gets implemented first and what later on. If there's 
pressing need for /native/ full-blown browser, some of the likes of Abaco will 
be improved to that point.

If Plan 9 tries hard to emulate Linux first and innovate second, it'll become 
stagnant and irrelevant.

dexen deVries


For example, if the first thing in the file is:
   <?kzy irefvba="1.0" rapbqvat="ebg13"?>
an XML parser will recognize that the document is stored in the traditional 
ROT13 encoding.

(( Joe English, http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/sgml/faq-not.txt ))

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