What I do is to consider the macs as volatile.
Very much like "firmware".
All the stuff I care about is in our main file server.
I might either use my files using the octopus or just cache them in the local
disk of the mac when I need that.

To recover such "firmware", yes, I use an external disk and time machine,
which is what the mac seems to like.

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Axel Belinfante
<axel.belinfa...@cs.utwente.nl> wrote:
> Just curious what 9fans use, for home and/or work, to backup their macs.
> time machine?
> to a local (usb,firewire) disk?
> or remote (time capsule, nas (not officially sanctioned by apple))?
> or eat our own dog food and use eg. venti?
> or tra?
> or no backup necessary because everything important is already elsewhere?
> (in the cloud, or in a version management system)
> or?
> context: we are reconsidering how to do this at work,
> and prefer not to reinvent the wheel.
> (at home I just backup my mac to a readynas box using time machine).
> Sorry for the off-topic nature of this post, but the fact
> that 9fans will be aware of less-common solutions like venti -
> not to mention the presence of coraid people here -
> made me look for experience/expertise here.
> Regards,
> Axel.

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