On 12/30/2011 12:08 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
It might be a bit
much for home use, but if I had a little bit of a budget I'd use Coraid's AoE
stuff as the basis for my storage.

Yeah, it's pretty overkill.  I've previously worked at a storage
company as a file system guy and now I have at home a nice array with
ZFS on top.  It works great, but I want to scale down.  I want less
stuff, not more.  And I want to use Plan9, not Solaris.

aoe doesn't require solaris, or any other operating system.
you can use it directly with a plan 9 file server, as i do.

- erik

I don't think he was implying that one needed the other. In any case I figured I would ask -- are there any plans for a small scale AoE appliance from coraid? Didn't there used to be a single drive AoE kit long ago? What is the list's personal/home usage of AoE like? Do you guys use generic hardware and something like vblade (or those other ones people have made for linux like ggblade or whatever it is called)?


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