On Mon Apr  2 22:46:26 EDT 2012, 9p...@imu.li wrote:
> has anyone done anything with this? it appears to be kindred to the chips
> covered by pc/sdmv50xx.c, but with two ports per chip and no bridges.
> or maybe there really are bridges and the kw sheet doesn't mention them.

yes, i have a driver.  it's pretty amazing that the sata can be driven at 
given the rather weak cpu.  the chip structure is most similar to the kw itself 
than the kw sata.  although its trying to expose only the sata.

unfortunately, it relies on an unreleased version of sd.  it's unreleased 
it really didn't go over well.  (i'm considering starting over with a port 
driver/disk model and ditching sd entirely.)

- erik

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