On Thu, 17 May 2012 07:41:28 -0800
Jack Johnson <knapj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Quick tangent, is there anyone out there whose favorite environment is
> non-native? Maybe 9vx or plan9ports on specific hardware? Your secret
> sam port to Windows 8's Metro UI?
> For all I know, plan9ports full screen on a MacBook Air is Glenda's
> Elysian field. Maybe something dual-screen with Chrome on the next
> monitor over. I know someone out there has a setup they've nestled
> into and are slightly cringing at the thought of his or her next
> machine or OS transition because right now life is good.

Heheh... I wouldn't say no to a MacBook Air but between 9vx and
drawterm, p9p is fast fading from my radar. I only use 9term any more
and that for the occasional locate or find command, or for git.
Sometimes I also sudo ed, but no more often than I sudo vi in an xterm.
I once found p9p acme run as root to be a great idea for configuring a
Linux system but there was a bug with win which reams the Linux pty
subsystem. I should roleplay less and get more involved with bug-fixing
and code, but I keep saying that. Also what Jack said.

Besides that, my Elysian field has namespaces. I love running one acme
(with plumber) per task, which afaik you can't do in p9p. It's not
quite the perfection of convenience, but anything I think of to improve
on it brings other inconveniences mostly related to window management.
The result is when I want to edit something non-root in Linux I
typically do so from drawterm. If it's root-owned and too large a
change for ed, I either sudo cp or (more usually) temporarily chown it.

As for usability, drawterm is a little buggy. It doesn't really like me
running a web browser and sometimes gets in a state where what's
visible doesn't correspond to what menus are appearing, but it hasn't
done that since I started shutting down the Linux box (and thus
drawterm) every day. Come to think of it 9vx actually gave me fewer
problems, but I never really tried running a web browser in it. Nothing
else in Plan 9 allocates such a large number of images as mothra and
abaco, afaik. I use abaco all the time for my roleplaying, btw, I like
it. It handles Simple Machines forums quite nicely, and most of my
comics too.

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