[I'm sending this on behalf of Eric Jul. Thus, the From is wrong :). ]

Dear Inferno/Plan 9 fans.

Attached is the initial call for participation for the 7th International 
Plan 9 Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, November 14-16, 2012.

Please note that the workshop this time takes place in November and that 
we are hoping for some good demos besides the usual program.
We have also planned a good social program in Dublin.


Eric Jul

Title: 7th International Workshop on Plan 9

Initial Call for Participation
7th International Workshop on Plan 9

November 14 — 16, 2011
Bell Labs Ireland
Blanchardstown Business and Technology Park
Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown
Dublin 15, Republic of Ireland

Important Dates - Paper Submission - Program - WIP Submission - Registration - Location & Travel - Accommodation - Posters

The workshop aims to bring together researchers, developers and students working on Plan 9 from Bell Labs or related systems, platforms, and projects, to discuss a wide range of system and application ideas and issues.

Previous issues: 1st IWP9 (2006), Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain; 2nd IWP9 (2007), Bell Labs, NJ, United States; 3rd IWP9 (2008), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece; 4th IWP9 (2009), University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States; 5th IWP9 (2010), Seattle, WA, United States; 6th IWP9 (2011), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain.

Important Dates
Oct 15: Paper submission deadline
Oct 24: Paper acceptance notification
Oct 25: Works in progress and demos submission deadline (may be subject to change)
Nov 1: WIP/Demos acceptance notification (may be subject to change)
Nov 5: Registration deadline (may be subject to change)
Nov 6: Camera ready version (may be subject to change)
Nov 14-16: Workshop in Dublin

Paper Submission (preliminary instructions subject to minor changes)
Papers of up to 15 pages must be sent to iwp9papers at ericjul.dk in PDF or PS format. The call for papers is
not here yet. Please do not forget to include the e-mail address of the contact author. Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail (please allow for a small delay). Papers must be visually similar to Plan 9 papers that can be found at /sys/doc/9/ in order to compile a homogeneous proceedings book. See for example this paper. These macros and this mkfile can be used to duplicate this look. Please keep this look and feel, use the same fonts and do not include page numbers.

For accepted papers, besides the PDF/PS file, it would be nice, if authors could provide a LaTeX (or troff) source as to facilitate the compilation of the proceedings printable version. This is not mandatory. In the worst case, page numbers and a toc will be added by hand. You might, however, have to compensate for this at an Irish pub. The workshop proceedings will be published in electronic form. We are also considering the edition of a printed version with ISBN, to be distributed during the workshop.

Preliminary Schedule for Program

June 14th:
14:00   Registration (and coffee)
16:00   Welcome + keynote
17:00   Demos
19:00   Intro to Irish pub + pub dinner
22:00   Live Irish Session music at music pub

June 15th 09:30 panel: news from new systems: osprey, inferno-ports, and nix 11:00 talks 12:00 Lunch at nearby Market (bring coat in case of rain) 14:00 talks/demos 18:00 Irish Microbrew 20:00 Dinner at restaurant (TBD)
June 15th 9:30 talks 13:00 lunch at Bell Labs 14:00 talks 15:30 concluding remarks

Demos Submission
We solicit interesting demos. Send a description, include a time limit for your demo.

WIP Submission
WIP of up to 3 pages must be set to iwp9wip at ericjul.dk in PDF or PS format. Please do not forget to include the e-mail address of the contact author. Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail (please allow for a small delay). Formatting requirements are the same as for papers.

Program and Proceedings
Printed copies of the
proceedings will be provided to all participants and authors. An electronic copy will be made available.

The registration deadline is Oct 10th, 2011. To register, please send an e-mail to iwp9reg at lsub.org with your name, affiliation and e-mail address, one per line.

Location & Travel

Location & Travel
Bell Labs Ireland is located in Alcatel-Lucents building in the Blanchardstown Business and Technology Park approximately 12 km from the center of Dublin and approximately 15 km from the Dublin airport. The schedule is so that you may arrive at the Dublin airport by 2-3pm on Wednesday and fly out on Friday afternoon on flights departing at 6pm or later.

How to get there from the airport (full details later):
>From the Dublin airport, Bell Labs can be reached by bus or taxi. The bus is run by Urbus, costs about 5 Euros, runs every 1-2 hours, and takes about one hour including a 10-15 minute walks in Blanchardstown from the nearest bus stop to Bell Labs. A taxi from the airport takes 20-30 minutes and costs approximately 25 Euros. We may arrange a large shared taxi on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

How to get there from the city center:
>From the city center, Bell Labs can be reached by bus or taxi. Busses take upward of one hour. Taxis take 25-40 minutes depending on traffic and costs 20-30 Euros again depending on traffic.

The Organizer's will provide suggestions both near the city center and near (2-3 km) Bell Labs.

Organizing Committee
Eric Jul, Bell Labs For further inquiries, please send an e-mail to iwp9trouble at ericjul.dk.

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