> of course the 64bit question is, which queue is dropping packets.
> there are so many to choose from.

Looks my initial guess was wrong.  I added some readahead to the kernel
usb driver and that didn't help at all.  Then I reduced the device's
buffering ("burst factor"), and increased the intermediate buffering
between input and output processes in the generic part of the usb/ether
driver.  That seems to have done the trick: no more dropped packets.

That's with the raspberry pi built-in usb ether.  My asix-based ethernet
dongle doesn't work any better on an x86 host; but at least it doesn't
work any worse.  Geoff has pushed the new usb/ether code onto sources.
Anybody who is actually using usb/ether - could you try the new version
and let us know if we've broken yours?

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