first try, after setting isysroot to 1.7, etc. it mostly compiles with
warnings. eventually it errors on "redefinition of typedef 'Cursor'"
compiling screen-cocoa.m. i'll try again tomorrow -- with a clear

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Jeff Sickel <> wrote:
> I've placed a fork of drawterm up on 
> that is specifically 
> targeted towards supporting the recent Mac OS X 10.8 releases that dropped 
> earlier Carbon APIs.  A portion of the screen drawing is very similar to what 
> is found in p9p's devdraw, with the exception that window resize- and 
> full-screen options are not available at this time.  Build it on a OSX with 
> Xcode 4.5+ using the simple command:
>         make 'CONF=osx-cocoa'
> The result will provide a Mach-O 64-bit executable for use on recent Macs.  
> If someone wants to build it on an OS X 10.7 target then you can take a look 
> at the Make.osx-cocoa file and modify ARCHFLAGS appropriately.
> I'll be pushing out changes to the port as I roll in updates from Plan 9 
> sources and add new features for OS X.  Send feedback as you see fit.
> -jas

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