Thank you all,

I've ended up with this wrapper:
; cat $home/bin/acme; echo EOF

NAMESPACE = `{mktemp -d}
plumber >/dev/null >[2=1]
#font = $PLAN9/font/lucm/unicode.9.font
font = '/mnt/font/Droid Sans Mono/11a/font'
exec $PLAN9/bin/acme -ab -f $font -F $font $*


it works fine now letting me use as many acmes as I wish.

Though I lost my "-l $home/acme.dump" option in "exec acme" string
because it will certainly bring problems. I tried writing a test for
an acme running and skipping -l option if there is but it looked so
ugly that I dropped the idea, I write and click Load command when I
need it instead.

Also I don't use any programs interacting with acme so still not
having problems with isolated namespaces.

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