On Nov 13, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Costin Chirvasuta wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there any way to make acme from p9p start maximized in Linux?
> I have a devilspie script that maximizes acme whenever it starts but acme 
> gets to start in a smaller window before this and the layout saved in the 
> dump file gets messed up after the maximize.

Not really "maximized", but at any size you want. I have a little script that 
starts Acme with parameters that I like:



exec acme -a -c 1 -f $font -W $size "$@"

That is, start acme with autoindent (-a), one column (-c 1), the font that I 
list, and a size of 660x660, which you can set to be whatever you want.


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