---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marie Hogfors <marie.hogf...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 3:15 PM
Subject: Gathering for Uriel. Need photos!!!
To: anu_kotam...@hotmail.com, z...@incoherencia.com, 23h...@gmail.com,
frisco.rami...@gmail.com, death.proof.butter...@gmail.com,
thewhiteti...@gmx.net, s...@9front.org

Dear all of You,

On the 12 of January, two days after Uriels birthday, we will arrange
a gathering for Uriel. (Some of you have heard it before. Sorry if I
repeat myself.)

We will heat up and decorate my little Gallery. On the wall there will
be a pictureshow  (with photos of Uriel that I hope you all will send
me) and we will listen to the music he himseif has chosen and we will
drink to each others wellbeeing and in memeory of Uriel.

Thereafter we will go to a beautiful place with big oaks to spread
some seads for the birds that his mothers has sent to me.
         Back home we will have a meal and I hope a more jolly time
together. Ureil wanted us to celebrate! So let us have a good
                                                     meal and a nice
time together.
I have once more contacted Uriels mother and asked her if she wouldn´t
like to come to chose what she wants from his belongings and take part
in the gathering. What ever happens in that respect, we will
distribute his belongings early in the morning the 12 and I hope it
will be done in a nice way. In advance we will put aside those things
that Uriel has mentioned and the small less valuable things you
already have mentioned. Then we draw lots, 1 2 3 ....One after another
we chose what he or she wants, then we go the other way round 3.2.1...
Do not expect to much...Let it be a nice quiet moment!

And above all we do not know what Uriels mother really wants. First
she asked me not to distribute anything and then she has said that she
wants nothing, but I can´t accept that as a final answer, until I have
got it once more confirmed from her.

About lodging: Andrea asked me if I knew a place. I hesitated...  but
my answer is now that you can all sleep in the bigger room. There is a
dubbelbed,and a sofa and we can bring in Uriels bed, the rest will
have to sleep on the floor. The kitchen and other rooms, I think, we
will need for sorting things up.

         Welcome all of you and please  contact those I have no mail
address to and mail me an answer hopefully with photos of Uriel.
For today,
P.S. The colourful ribbons I have asked permission to take aside. You
will get some pieces each.

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