> I have an  IDE HD with fossil (no venti) partition on it. It contains some
> data precious to me.
> I would like to mount it on a native Plan9; yes, I've RTFM, but it seems to
> me too brief for me to avoid (fatal) mistakes.
> Thus, could some nice person lead me step - by - step?

Let's say your disk is named sdE1 and have a Plan 9 partition named "fossil".

% fossil/fossil -m 20 -f /dev/sdE1/fossil -c 'srv -AWPV fossil.other'
-c 'srv -p fscons.other'

Then, you can mount it:

% mount /srv/fossil.other /n/fossil

And to halt it:

% echo fsys all sync >>/srv/fscons.other
% echo fsys all halt >>/srv/fscons.other

David du Colombier

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