> Hi!
> I did a quick writeup on little Edit scripts
> (well basicly sam(1) scripts)
> If anyone have more feel free to contribute.
> Maybe someone could put them on the wiki even.

Nice idea...

Here's a simple awk bit I use in Acme for centering text (its name is
the center-line rune: ℄)

# Center text
awk '{l=length();s=int((70-l)/2); printf "%"(s+l)"s\n",$0}'

It doesn't seem to be common practice, but I like to name editing
commands with unicode runes to save room: i.e.  ← and → for
indentation (used with code), or ⇐ and ⇒ for indentation + a reformat
(used for natural language next).  I find they serve a bit like icons.

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