Thanks for the pointers.

I finally did some sleuthing and experimentation.

Indeed, devdraw now knows about a display’s DPI, and launching a devdraw app 
with environment devdrawretina=1 enables detection of retina displays, and 
setting the current DPI accordingly.

DPI seems to affect a few things:

1. computing geometries of fixed-sized UI elements like scroll bars
2. computing scroll “ticks”

⌘-R toggles the current DPI from “retina” (220 DPI) to “non-retina” (110 DPI).

There doesn’t seem to be any sort of built-in font scaling at the moment. So 
when you launch, say, acme on a retina machine, you’ll have to supply your own 
(larger) font. I ended up using fontsrv with system fonts:

        % devdrawretina=1 acme -f /mnt/font/HelveticaNeue-Medium/24a/font -F 

seems to work pretty well.


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