On May 20, 2014, at 11:41 AM, ron minnich <rminn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is not a human communication problem. It's a technology problem,
> trivially solved for many years now by many systems.

This event was a communication problem.

The technology, replica, works as advertised.  In general it does
a very good job at maintaining server->client updates and allows
you to work around differences in a way some may prefer over other
options that are out there.

The technology, Plan 9 (and forks), have rather clean mechanisms
already in place to go through the classic development operation
cycle of

        think — edit — make — test ...

The feedback loop, like all, requires communication protocols
to complete the iteration and move the cycle to the next step.

How many of those chromebooks have customized kernels to support
drivers undergoing new development?  And of those that do run custom
kernels, are they getting automatic updates w/o a bill of materials
or other list defining what will be updated?  And are the developers
working on those custom versions working in a vacuum or do they have
communication protocols in place to facilitate their working environment?

For all practical purposes, 9fans is the last remaining forum for people
interested in using Plan 9 related systems.  Please advise if you have
recommendations for other communications outlets that allow people to
develop, test, and maybe improve on ideas brought about by this system
many of us find enough interest in to actually use.


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