> Please remember that the document applies to both nroff and troff.
> For nroff (terminals, printers), .ul does underlining. For typesetters
> (includes laser printers) troff .ul does italics. The .us macro shows
> how to get real underlining on a typesetter device.

Please read that paragraph carefully.  The "such that" means, that the above 
defined macros are (should be ;) used.  Also the shown output ist typeset, and 
not shown as typewritten with a CW font.  That is simply a typo...

> Evolution plays a part here. The original formatter was nroff for
> printers and teletypes. Troff came along later, at which point .ul
> was already in use in people's documents and/or macro packages.

That is well-known of course ...

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