I am trying to listen to multicast DNS packets
but when I try to configure the IP interface it fails,
what am I missing?

I do this (multicast with promiscuous)

        snprint(addr, sizeof(addr), "%s/udp!*!*", Netdir);
        if((cfd = announce(addr, dir)) < 0)
                sysfatal("%s cannot announce, %r\n", addr);
        if(fprint(cfd, "addmulti") < 0)
                sysfatal("add multicast addr failed, %r");

and it dies with 'addmulti for a non multicast address'

which is caused by this failing: 


        ipismulticast(uchar *ip)
                        if(ip[IPv4off] >= 0xe0 && ip[IPv4off] < 0xf0)
                                return V4;
                else if(ip[0] == 0xff)
                        return V6;
                return 0;

But 0xe0 is 224 so it should not fail.

I'am very confused.


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