I am puzzled. Anyway, it actually works in acme too,
but differently than I remember from before.

I now have to press and *release* the compose key
and then continue; i.e. to write alpha I have to
- press left alt (my compose key)
- release left alt
- press shift and 8 (together it's *)
- release those
- press a

This is different from the behaviour in xterm, where the
compose key can be hold down during the step of shift+8.

So at least it works somehow.


On 21 January 2015 at 17:12, Rudolf Sykora <rudolf.syk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> until recently I happily used a generated ~/.XCompose file on p9p
> (see http://swtch.com/plan9port/man/man7/keyboard.html)
> to be able to write various characters in a way similar to p9.
> But now something must have changed.
> I can use the composition in, say, xterm (it works),
> but when I start acme (or sam), it doesn't work.
> Contrary to running xterm, I do not see anything in the
> output of
> strace -e open acme |& grep Compose
> Does somebody have a clue?
> Thanks
> Ruda

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