I am trying to use some micro sd cards with plan9.
Thse are kingston SDC4/4Gbsp cards (4Gb) for embedded stuff.

usbfat: won't recognise them and usb/disk with debug on grumbles

        8.out: startdevs: opening #0 /dev/usb/ep7.0
        8.out: opendev 0x4b618 /dev/usb/ep7.0
        8.out: /dev/usb/ep7.0: warning: device with short descriptor
        8.out: /dev/usb/ep7.0: no configurations
        8.out: /dev/usb/ep7.0 csp none.0.0 vid 0x14cd did 0x1212 refs 1
                Generic Mass Storage Device 121220130416
        disk: ep ids: in -1 out -1
        8.out: closedev 0x4b618 /dev/usb/ep7.0
        8.out: devmain: disk: endpoints not found
        8.out: no unhandled devices found

The type of the card (ep->type) is 0 (Control) rather than 2 (Bulk) by I don't
know how this can happen. Windows is happy so the cards are not sick.

anyone any ideas?


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