Quoting erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>:

two uncoordinated applications from what may be seen as the same group
may not have helped.

While I understand it's fun to speculate that somehow 9front is totally the
worst thing that ever happened to anything, and clearly we in #cat-v are
some of the evilest people to ever ruin the whole internet, I've had a
conversation with the GSoC applications team about our application.  At no
time did anyone even imply they were confused by the fact that two different
organizations both used plan 9.

The 9front org and its application did not at any time pretend to represent
Bell Labs or any other group of people.

In our case, they were very clear that they liked almost all of our GSoC
application, but were concerned that we did not have sufficient verbage
in our ideas page regarding how to onboard beginners and get them on the
road to completion of the projects we had laid out as suggestions.

I look forward to being hypothetically blamed for All the Problems in the
year ahead.


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