I tried out the sbase zip on my system. That seems to work fine. Heres the log:

cpu% lc
cpu% unzip -f sbase-master.zip
cpu% lc
sbase-master/           sbase-master.zip
cpu% cd sbase-master/
cpu% lc
LICENSE         comm.1          find.1          md5.h           readlink.c      
split.c         uname.c
Makefile        comm.c          find.c          md5sum.1        renice.1        
sponge.1        unexpand.1
README          compat.h        fold.1          md5sum.c        renice.c        
sponge.c        unexpand.c
TODO            config.mk       fold.c          mkdir.1         rm.1            
strings.1       uniq.1
arg.h           cp.1            fs.h            mkdir.c         rm.c            
strings.c       uniq.c
basename.1      cp.c            grep.1          mkfifo.1        rmdir.1         
sync.1          unlink.1
basename.c      cron.1          grep.c          mkfifo.c        rmdir.c         
sync.c          unlink.c
cal.1           cron.c          head.1          mktemp.1        sed.1           
tail.1          utf.h
cal.c           crypt.h         head.c          mktemp.c        sed.c           
tail.c          util.h
cat.1           cut.1           hostname.1      mv.1            seq.1           
tar.1           uudecode.1
cat.c           cut.c           hostname.c      mv.c            seq.c           
tar.c           uudecode.c
chgrp.1         date.1          join.1          nice.1          setsid.1        
tee.1           uuencode.1
chgrp.c         date.c          join.c          nice.c          setsid.c        
tee.c           uuencode.c
chmod.1         dirname.1       kill.1          nl.1            sha1.h          
test.1          wc.1
chmod.c         dirname.c       kill.c          nl.c            sha1sum.1       
test.c          wc.c
chown.1         du.1            libutf/         nohup.1         sha1sum.c       
text.h          which.1
chown.c         du.c            libutil/        nohup.c         sha256.h        
time.1          which.c
chroot.1        echo.1          link.1          paste.1         sha256sum.1     
time.c          xargs.1
chroot.c        echo.c          link.c          paste.c         sha256sum.c     
touch.1         xargs.c
cksum.1         env.1           ln.1            printenv.1      sha512.h        
touch.c         yes.1
cksum.c         env.c           ln.c            printenv.c      sha512sum.1     
tr.1            yes.c
cmp.1           expand.1        logger.1        printf.1        sha512sum.c     
cmp.c           expand.c        logger.c        printf.c        sleep.1         
col.1           expr.1          logname.1       pwd.1           sleep.c         
col.c           expr.c          logname.c       pwd.c           sort.1          
cols.1          false.1         ls.1            queue.h         sort.c          
cols.c          false.c         ls.c            readlink.1      split.1         


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