Hello fellow 9fans! I'm currently trying to learn limbo programming for fun
and profit. I'm experienced in java and other languages, but I'd like to
learn limbo because I want to (wait for it, drumroll please!) build a
distributed agent-based system. The agents themselves aren't anything
complicated; I've already written a prototype in java. However, limbo
offers a vastly superior communications system than java (and windows for
that matter), so I believe inferno is going to be a great choice in the
desired platform. However, first thing's first, is learning the language.
So, I'm reading "A descent into Limbo." And the first program example runs
fine. However, the second, the graphical hello world, does not. I'm having
a problem with the line:

t := tk->toplevel(ctxt.screen "");

The compiler is telling me that screen isn't a reference of ctxt, and it
expected display instead. But if I change the reference from context to
display, well... It will compile and run, but I don't get a button. The
example pictures show a different inferno button than what is in the
current version, so maybe it's an outdated example? Or is ctxt really the
author telling me "don't copy and paste, think about what goes here!"
Because I'm finding those hinted in other example codes as well. So, if
there are any limbo programmers out there, would you mind giving me a hand?

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