Robert Ransom pointed out offlist that the pak crypto is flawed in this
draft so its back to the drawing board. please consider this version
of the draft retracted :-)

> If an attacker can find scalars s1 and s2 such that s1*H(p1) =
> s2*H(p2), then he can send s1*H(p1) as his public key, receive the
> other party's public key P and a message encrypted using the resulting
> shared secret key, then compute both possible shared secrets s1*P and
> s2*P and try each of them to decrypt the message.
> If H(p) = p*G, then s1*H(p1) = s1*p1*G = s1*(p1/p2)*p2*G =
> s1*(p1/p2)*H(p2) (with the divisions and multiplications computed in
> the ring of scalars).


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