Yeah, thank goodness for snapshots :O Running replica/pull didn't turn out
so good for my current running system. It looks like it might make the most
sense to just archive my home directory and reload a fresh VM ...

Where are they keeping the most current installation ISO these days? I'm
just not sure of what's canonical now that the old domain is



On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 8:52 PM, Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote:

> Sean,
> David's (0intro) instructions are the right way to do it.  If I recall
> correctly, if you want to update by rebuilding from updated sources,
> there's a careful dance that needs to happen for the transition from old
> Rune size to the new.  Geoff sent out a note to 9fans outlining the steps
> at that time; you might be able to find it on 9fans archive (which
> unfortunately is not what it used to be).
> -Skip
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:40 PM Sean Caron <> wrote:
>> Answering my own silly question, on my fossil-based system, running the
>> following command on the console as the bootes user seems to get the update
>> process running:
>> replica/pull -v /dist/replica/network
>> I'll wait for this to complete and then give building Go another shot.
>> Thanks for answering my shot in the dark!
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Sean Caron <> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Skip. That would follow; this system is probably straight Fourth
>>> Edition, certainly an old ISO...
>>> I've never been 100% clear on the process for running updates; can I
>>> bring myself up to current from where I'm at now and not have to reload or
>>> build a fresh system? It's a VM and I can snapshot so I'm willing to give
>>> anything a try ...
>>> I'm looking at the directions in a (cached copy) of
>>> Is that still valid? What's the canonical procedure these days for
>>> updating a system?
>>> If that's roughly correct ... I'm running a single Plan 9 machine,
>>> combined CPU and fileserver ... I run that command as the bootes user on
>>> the system console?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Sean
>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Skip Tavakkolian <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> All the errors seem related to the old Rune size. I suspect you're
>>>> running an old system and it's likely to not have nsec and tsemacquire
>>>> syscalls either.
>>>> If you believe the system is up-to-date, you can cross compile a simple
>>>> Go program using 1.5 or later targeting GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=386 from a
>>>> Linux/OSX or Windows box and see if it runs on your system.  That might
>>>> give you more info.
>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 1:44 PM Sean Caron <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I've been getting interested in programming in Go recently and it's my
>>>>> understanding that at some point in time, Plan 9 was a supported
>>>>> environment in which one could bootstrap and use Go?
>>>>> I've tried a few different versions; 1.2.2, 1.4.2, 1.5.2, just
>>>>> following the directions that I found on a blog somewhere, i.e:
>>>>> tar xf go 1.4.2.tar
>>>>> cd go-go1.4.2/src
>>>>> ./all.rc
>>>>> But it fails almost immediately trying to bootstrap Go:
>>>>> cpu% ./all.rc
>>>>> # Building C bootstrap tool.
>>>>> cmd/dist
>>>>> # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, plan9/386.
>>>>> lib9
>>>>> cpp: /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:226
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../utf.h:1
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/utf.h:5
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../fmt.h:21
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/fmt.h:5
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/libc.h:6
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/flag.c:6 Unterminated string or char const
>>>>> I get a fair number of these errors for various header files, then
>>>>> some more worrisome output:
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dorfmt.c:152]
>>>>> external redeclaration of: Rune
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dorfmt.c:152]
>>>>> /386/include/u.h:11[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dorfmt.c:21]
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/flag.c:153]
>>>>> external redeclaration of: Rune
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/flag.c:153]
>>>>> /386/include/u.h:11[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/flag.c:22]
>>>>> cpp: /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:227
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../utf.h:1
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/utf.h:5
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/libc.h:7
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/charstod.c:20 Unterminated string or
>>>>> char const
>>>>> go tool dist: FAILED: /bin/8c -FTVwp -DPLAN9 -D__STDC__=1
>>>>> -D__SIZE_TYPE__=ulong -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9
>>>>> -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/386 -DPLAN9PORT -I
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9 -o $WORK/dorfmt.8
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dorfmt.c:
>>>>> '/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/pkg/obj/plan9_386/lib9.a' does not exist
>>>>> go tool dist: FAILED: /bin/8c -FTVwp -DPLAN9 -D__STDC__=1
>>>>> -D__SIZE_TYPE__=ulong -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9
>>>>> -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/386 -DPLAN9PORT -I
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9 -o $WORK/flag.8
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/flag.c:
>>>>> '/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/pkg/obj/plan9_386/lib9.a' does not exist
>>>>> cpp: /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:227
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../utf.h:1
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/utf.h:5
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/libc.h:7
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dofmt.c:20 Unterminated string or char
>>>>> const
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/charstod.c:152]
>>>>> external redeclaration of: Rune
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/charstod.c:152]
>>>>> /386/include/u.h:11[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/charstod.c:21]
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dofmt.c:152]
>>>>> external redeclaration of: Rune
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/../../src/lib9/utf/utf.h:19[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dofmt.c:152]
>>>>> /386/include/u.h:11[/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dofmt.c:21]
>>>>> go tool dist: FAILED: /bin/8c -FTVwp -DPLAN9 -D__STDC__=1
>>>>> -D__SIZE_TYPE__=ulong -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9
>>>>> -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/386 -DPLAN9PORT -I
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9 -o $WORK/charstod.8
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/charstod.c:
>>>>> '/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/pkg/obj/plan9_386/lib9.a' does not exist
>>>>> go tool dist: FAILED: /bin/8c -FTVwp -DPLAN9 -D__STDC__=1
>>>>> -D__SIZE_TYPE__=ulong -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9
>>>>> -I/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/include/plan9/386 -DPLAN9PORT -I
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9 -o $WORK/dofmt.8
>>>>> /usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/src/lib9/fmt/dofmt.c:
>>>>> '/usr/scaron/go-go1.4.2/pkg/obj/plan9_386/lib9.a' does not exist
>>>>> At that point the build fails and I drop back to the rc prompt.
>>>>> While the example I cite above is for version 1.4.2, I believe the
>>>>> failure mode is pretty much the same for both earlier and later versions
>>>>> that I've tried to build.
>>>>> Is my Plan 9 installation "too old"? I'm using pretty bog-standard
>>>>> Fourth Edition on this particular instance; 9atom doesn't seem to get 
>>>>> along
>>>>> with VMware ESXi (at least, not last time I checked).
>>>>> Any help greatly appreciated! I'd love to be able to use Go within
>>>>> Plan 9.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sean

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