In that case, is there any way to get the current max packet size that 9p
will allow for
a read or write, or to determine if you're drawing to a local machine or
not? I'm not seeing anything obvious under /dev or /env.

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 10:45 PM, <> wrote:

> you wont have that limitation on devdraw on the local machine. but
> over 9p, your reads and writes are limited by the iounit of the
> channel over which 9p is transfered.
> the reson for having a iounit is that you'r not the only one doing
> stuff over the channel. you chunk stuff up in packets, so multiple
> things can appear as simultanious even tho theres only one serial
> channel. the bigger you make the packets, the bigger the latency
> for concurrent packets wanting to be transmitted.
> for the keyboard stuff. you cant do that with /dev/cons. drawterm
> only gives you runes, but no kbmap (you'r probably seeing the cpu
> servers kbmap, not the one in drawterm). in 9front [1,2], theres
> /dev/kbd [3] which also gives you button states.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> cinap

- Dave

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