thinking is hard.  there is a sweet spot somewhere between ease of use
and knowing what you're trying to accomplish in the first place.

once you learn the system, you can get a lot of mileage out of
in-built system features, such as shell commands, lists (variables),
functions, and pipelines.  file interfaces and private namespaces make
these simple primitives even more powerful than they are on presumably
more familiar unix systems.  (it has to be said: unix users already
don't seem to get much mileage out of existing unix features.)

rio is scriptable, and all of its features are exposed to file
interfaces and text commands.  that's a huge steering wheel, even if
your hands are small.

all the cosmetic stuff new users typically complain about can be
modified with a minimum of knowledge and skill.  this is a benefit of
the terse, simple programming style.  sometimes, even a deficient
program can be better than a featureful one, if the deficient program
is simple and easy to modify.  just implement whatever it is you
actually want to do.

some people would say this is ugly:


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