> Den tors 7 maj 2020 16:17Dave MacFarlane <driu...@gmail.com> skrev:
>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 9:12 PM Sean Hinchee <henesy....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> As a footnote, there's a decent git client written in Go that works
>>> alright on plan9 [4], but it's slow and memory intensive at the
>>> moment.
>> [...]
>> [4] https://github.com/driusan/dgit
>> This (and the fact that the speed of Go on Plan9/amd64 seems to be finally
>> be useable enough to do development again as of 1.14..) finally gave me the
>> kick I needed to fix some of the hacks that were causing performance
>> problems on clone. The self-clone time went from ~160s to ~13s on my
>> machine (compared to ~8s with "real" git) If there's other parts that you
>> were referring to as being slow and memory intensive let me know (or if you
>> still find it's memory intensive, I didn't benchmark that part..)
>> - Dave
> How does it compare performance wise with git9 ?
> https://github.com/oridb/git9

I'll be honest, I'm using git9 because of the improved
interactions, rather than performance -- it's fast enough
for most of my usage. Still, this got curious enough to
test a bit. Here are the results:

It's close for cloning dgit -- I'm seeing about 3 seconds
for dgit with git/clone, 4.5 using dgit to clone itself.

        % time git/clone https://github.com/driusan/dgit
        0.81u 1.08s 2.70r 

(Looking closer, about 1.5 seconds of that comes
from the dircp to pull data out of /mnt/git/ and
into the working directory.)

When testing dgit, I redirected output to /dev/null,
since it printed enough that it affected the time.
It's *really* chatty -- for the larger test, it
produced more than 50 megabytes of status text.

        cpu% time rc -c 'dgit clone https://github.com/driusan/dgit 
        0.47u 0.55s 4.32r

It seems like there's something accidentally
quadratic, though. Cloning a larger repository
-- in this case, perl5 -- takes 160s on git9,
and 1200 seconds on dgit. For comparison, git
on OpneBSD with different (but comparable)
hardware takes about 90 seconds.

        cpu% time git/clone https://github.com/Perl/perl5.git
        94.40u 14.16s 159.30r

        cpu% time ./dgit clone https://github.com/Perl/perl5.git 
        121.93u 22.16s 1211.30r

I only skimmed the dgit code quickly, and didn't see
an obvious answer: do you cache objects that you've
decompressed, or do you iterate over full delta chains
every time?

One other bug report -- it seems that dgit hard-codes the
default branch as origin/master, but perl uses 'origin/blead',
so the checkout fails with 'Could not find origin/master'

There are still places where git9 is very slow. Sending lots
of commits at once in big repositories stands out.

Two reasons for this: we don't deltify, and we walk too much
data deciding what should go into the pack. There's also a
bug that causes certain kinds of merge to push the whole
history spuriously, which is.. only wasteful rather than
incorrect -- but wasteful isn't good.

Pushing all perl commits to an empty repository, for example:

        # this is the size of the packfile git gives us
        cpu% du -sh .git
        297.043M        .git

        # pushing to git is slow
        cpu% git/push -u git+ssh://
        1783.08u 444.15s 2835.86r

        # and our undeltified packfiles are 10x the size
        # that they should be
        $ du -sh p5.git; 

I can't compare with dgit, since dgit doesn't support ssh
pushes, and I'm not going to set up http pushes right now.

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