
many many really cool ideas. Most of them get a big heart icon, but I don't want to repeat your ideas. So consider this one large heart for all of them ♥️.

My annotations are inline.

01.02.2021 08:16:58 cigar562hfsp952f...@icebubble.org:
(2) A Zoom/video conferencing application for Plan 9.  Enough said.  :)

Afaik someone on grid wanted to try some voice chat stuff using mq, maybe. Could be helpful.

(a) An Android "app" that presents an Android phone's telephone and SMS
    messaging facilities as a 9P filesystem.  This would enable Plan 9
    and Inferno applications to place/receive voice calls and
    send/receive text messages across a network.  This could be done by
    extending bhgv's existing Android port of Inferno, or as a
    separtate, stand-alone server app.

Also hellaphone might be interesting (maybe just for comparison). Afaik they removed the whole java stuff from android and replaced it with dis. They were able to do phone calls and I think they got rudimentary text messages working, too, but both directly on the phone using inferno.

A native 9p interface for Android might also be a nice project. Android supports adding new protocols like ftp or smb to its native filesystem pool. I don't know the details.

I also have some other project ideas like many, like a native Android gridchat client, but that's too specific, I think. I'll play around with these when I'm done studying.


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