On March 29, 2021, arn...@skeeve.com wrote:
> OK - wasn't kenc ported to Linux for bootstrapping the early
> Go compilers? Is that version general, or not worth my trying to use?

The early Go compilers, written in C, were compiled with gcc or clang.

The Plan 9 C compiler was used for the Go runtime's initial
C implementation, but in that context it was only dealing
with the self-contained demands of Go itself, not arbitrary C code
(no standard C library,��much of which gawk would need).

Even in that limited context, we spent a frustrating (non-zero)
amount of time stumbling over bugs.
Standard C has moved on, and the Plan 9 C compilers have not kept up.
They're still fine for Plan 9 C code, but given the choice
I wouldn't throw anything else at them.


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