> While looking for a way to exchange files between a linux system and an 
> hosted virtual machine running plan9 I found vx32 and 9vx. I couldn't 
> master to compile it under a 64 bit Linux cause libX11 was missing as a 
> compatible 32 bit library so I installed a 32 bit linux and everthing 
> compiled without problems.

There is no need to run a 32-bit Linux specifically, since most 64-bit
Linux distributions have support for both 32-bit and 64-bit user space.

For example, on a 64-bit Fedora you can install the 32-bit
dependencies for 9vx this way:

dnf install glibc-devel.i686 libgcc.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXext-devel.i686 -y

> a) When I typed fshalt I got an error that I don't have permissions to 
> call /bin/echo. It seems like echo from the host system was called 
> instead of echo from 9legacy. Is this a bug or did I forget something ?

I'm not sure what is your issue here. Anyway, you don't need to
run fshalt on 9vx, because there is usually no file system running.

> b) How does the installation procedure work ? Usually during the 
> installation of a distro lets say 9front I would have to partition a 
> harddisk where the necessary things are installed. 

In the usual case, you don't have to run a file system in 9vx.

You simply extract the files from the Plan 9 CD in a directory
located on your host operating system, then 9vx can
use this directory as his root.

For example:

wget http://9legacy.org/download/9legacy.iso.bz2
bunzip2 plan9.iso.bz2
9660srv -f plan9.iso
9mount unix\!$(namespace)/9660 /n/9660
sudo cp -a /n/9660 /opt/plan9

9vx -r /opt/plan9

> c) I'm a bit confused about the licensing of 9vx and vx32. vx32 is LGPL 
> and 9vx is/was licenced with the Lucent license while 9vx uses vx32 or 
> am I wrong ?

9vx was recently re-licensed under MIT license, but vx32 remains under LGPL.

David du Colombier

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