First of all, hello to everyone.

I've been using 9front attracted by the aarch64 support, not so
much by the 64 bit words but by the registers at hand.

I got problems with cwfs: the name length limit hardcoded at
compile time, impossibility of disk usage statistics for the "other"
partition (in a file system which is going to crash when full...)
and some file corruption when halting in a usb disk still reading
from the buffer. I don't feel comfortable using an experimental fs
like hjfs.

I used Plan9 almost a decade ago. I remember using fossil+venti
and been quite happy (after some bug was discovered). I'm using
only arm computers now and is great to see the rpi4 supported, and
Richard Miller's image is almost a lab's distribution. So I renounced
to those precious free registers and gave it a try.

The biggest problem to me is the usb code.

First I'm using a kvm switch so there are a lot of attachments-detachments.
At a certain point it will end with "No slots available" and the
usb will became unusable. For me is a labyrinth, but I'm pretty sure
someone with more experience with the system could fix it.

There is something wrong with the code responsible of managing and
monitoring the power of the ports. This is going to be more
complicated. It is impossible to use any usb disk. I managed to
make one appear connecting it to one of the usb2 ports and powering
the usb disk externally before turning on the pi (the system crashed
several times when I powered the disk with the os running), but it
was useless:

usb/disk: startdevs: opening #0 /dev/usb/ep5.0
usb/disk: devmain: disk: endpoints not found
usb/disk: no unhandled devices found

The other issue important to me is with webfs:
webfs: tlsClient: fd out of range or not open

So no abaco for me, almost every page I try to load ends up with
this error. I installed a recent go and compiled opossum, but
at this point is unusable, at least for me.

I've had horrible usb related experiences with openbsd and netbsd
since the beginning of time, so it really surprised me the stability
of the 9front usb system.

Sorry I can only report this at the moment.


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