On Tue, 25 Jan 2022, Lucio De Re wrote:

Microftiv deserves the same kind of respect as Nemo and I think - he
can correct me in private if I'm mistaken, I'll publish the correction
if requested to - the former meant to express that respect, but his
subconscious nabbed him.

I also feel the pressure of wanting to work with like minded people,
it's a strong emotional challenge and isn't exactly unjustified. In
fact, this mailing list comes closest to my comfort zone precisely
because Plan 9 is a choice, not a fashionable one.

One could be even more materialistic, but that's not necessary, just
accept that Microftiv was being defensive, without realising he verged
beyond the offensive.

As for everyone else needing to voice an opinion - including myself -
what is your excuse for insulting people of whom you know only one
facet of their personality?


Insulting people... First this moron that is polluting the mailing
list with his stupid bot. It can be funny to you now, wait some
time when you'll try to search the archives.

Then this person starts with this social justice hunting crap,
attributing political views to a plan9 contributor because "maybe
I have heard secondhand..." and then trying to censor his book
"[...]support oppression[...]", the most complete introductory book
to plan9 (language faults apart) that exists nowadays. For those
who don't know, he wrote also an extensive commentary to the Plan
9 source code following John Lions' style, there is nothing like
that anywhere else.

And now he is a victim.

And all the trolling around... give me a break.

I don't know J. Ballesteros. I don't know what are his political
views. I don't bloody care. This is not a twitter morons'

Just for curiosity, in what thread people has been harassed here
for race, sexual orientation, disablility or whatever you want to
add to the list social champion?

A decade ago this list was still a pleasant space, with the typical
well known trolls vomiting now and then, yes, but still full of
knowledge and good spirits.

I don't think there is a point to be subscribed to what is left of
9fans anymore.

Sorry Rux Cox, last reply.


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